How to Stand Out with Google Local Service Ads in Competitive Markets
To stand out with Google Local Service Ads, prioritize reviews, promote your services, manage your budget, and earn the Google Guaranteed badge
With more and more information available to consumers at their fingertips, needs are met almost instantly. Your sales approach needs to shift from "this is what my company can do for you" to "what would you need from a company a like mine?" Taking the time to truly understand what a prospective client needs requires great dialogue and active listening. It requires relationship.
Not a "meeting" per say, but a connection. Actively interested in their business, their passions, their pain points.
You may feel you have the perfect pitch for this client, but you need to ask them what they need from you.
"So if I'm understanding you correctly, you are needing __________?"
Ask for the business. If you have the ability to meet their needs, ask for the business. If you don't, they won't give it to you.
water this relationship, feed it, nurture it. Prove to them that they matter.
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