February 18, 2019

10 Digital Marketing Trends to Level Up Your Business in 2019


10 Digital Marketing Trends to Level Up Your Business in 2019

What digital marketing trends will help your business grow exponentially in 2019? Build the business you want by following the trends listed below.

1. Video Marketing

Video content is the future. You are guaranteed to get more views on Facebook, YouTube, and even LinkedIn if you are creating video based content rather than graphic/text based content. Facebook ads are not going away anytime soon, but there is a huge rise in YouTube ads right now. Because Facebook ads are getting more and more expensive, smaller businesses have turned to YouTube advertising which gives them more opportunity to be seen and heard. Also, since Google owns YouTube small businesses are able to target and attract the right business. Youtube’s new advertising feature allows you to target consumers who are actively researching topics related to what your business offers on top of normal targeting features such as location, age, gender, etc.

2. Content Marketing

If you want your website to show up better in Google searches then you need to learn how to incorporate content marketing into your overall strategy. This is a trend you will want to start utilizing in 2019. Blogging has been around for so long that most content has been regurgitated over and over. Unless you are creating exciting new content and providing insightful information that the reader hasn’t heard a million times, you aren’t going to do well. Content marketing doesn’t work if you aren’t getting shares or backlinks to your blog.

3. Content Clusters

Remember what we were saying about content marketing not working? This leads us to Content Clusters: clusters of pages that talk about specific areas around your niche and then linking them all together. For example, let’s say you have a comprehensive article on your site as well as a handful of smaller articles that relate to your larger piece. By inking those articles back to your comprehensive piece while also linking your comprehensive piece back to your smaller articles will dramatically increase their overall performance on Google. When one of those pages does well, they will all get a boost.

4. Voice Search

20% of searches are done through voice searches. By 2020, Comscore estimates half the searches done on Google will be done through voice searches. To leverage voice search, make sure your website is https and loads quickly to be compatible. Expect people to start using voice search more than manually typing in a question on their desktop or mobile device. Long tail keywords are going to dominate in this realm. According to WordStream, Long-tail keywords are longer and more specific keyword phrases that visitors are more likely to use when they’re closer to a point-of-purchase or when they’re using voice search. Start optimizing your blogs and websites for voice search by using question based keyword structure, something like this, “Alexa, what is the weather like today in Tulsa, Oklahoma?”

5. Artificial Intelligence

You’ll notice AI (Artificial Intelligence) plays a role in a few of the trends mentioned in this article. AI has advanced exponentially in a small amount of time. Simpler jobs are now being carried out by AI, freeing up high profile companies work in the forefront of their businesses. By 2020, Gartner expects 25% of customer service to utilize chatbot technology. This is a dramatic increase from the 2% using chatbot technology in 2017. Want to save costs and accelerate growth this year? Utilize AI, you’ll thank us later.

6. Podcasting

Steve Jobs was right when he said podcasts were the “next generation of audio.” Podcasts have transformed the digital marketing world. Podcasting allows clients and future clients to listen to your content whether they are at home or even while commuting, on their mobile devices.

7. Programmatic Advertising

Programmatic Advertising utilizes artificial intelligence to automate ad buying so you are able to target more specific audiences. According to eMarketer, 90% of digital display ads in the United States will be programmatic by 2020. Automation of advertising would ideally lead to increased conversions and lowered customer acquisition costs.

8. Personalization

Personalize your marketing if you want to leave an impression on consumers in 2019. Use 2019 to personalize your content, emails, and to level up the relationships you build with both new and established clients. A great example of personalized content is to give your clients the opportunity to participate in one on one webinars.

9. LinkedIn Advertising

Have you seen the new LinkedIn Advertisements Dashboard? LinkedIn has replicated Facebook’s advertising dashboard in hopes the easy to use platform will enhance digital marketing efforts on LinkedIn. While LinkedIn advertising is simplistic to use, the results may shock you if you are used to successful ad campaigns on Facebook utilizing AdWords. Use the 7 best practices for advertising on LinkedIn listed in this article by Boostability.

10. Omnichannel Marketing

So, what is omnichannel marketing? Omnichannel marketing refers to looking at all channels that the customer uses to learn about your product as one single experience. Instead of seeing each channel as a different experience, also known as Multichannel Marketing, companies are now starting to realize that the path to selling is seen as a single experience by the customer. Omnichannel marketing allows the consumer to experience seamless and consistent communication with your brand. To utilize omnichannel marketing, you will first need to find a customer relationship management program that will help you to keep up with customer interactions throughout all of your platforms. The customer will feel more appreciated when their interactions are noticed and remembered, therefore increasing sales.

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Monday, February 18, 2019


Whitney Ramirez